Miviton Kid

Immunity & well-being


$25.70 $27.70

Key Features

  • Promotes physical growth
  • Improves cognitive function
  • Focuses attention & concentration
  • Boosts immune system 
  • Non-GMO, Gluten free, Soy free
Miviton Kid is a cellular regenerating agent of exceptional quality and superfood that promotes physical growth and intellectual development of children. In doing so, Miviton Kid helps children 13-years and younger see improved cognitive function, improved stress management and improved overall well-being.

Recommended for:
  • Immune system (flu, infections)
  • Concentration and attention
  • Agitation and sleep disorder
  • Behaviour and mood disorders
  • Convalescence
  • Anemia
  • Growth and development
  • Fatigue, weakness and low energy
Each 5 ml contains:
  • 0.4 mg of Zinc (citrate)

Non-medicinal ingredients

Wild herring soft roe (175 mg), purified water, apple juice, vegetable glycerin, natural fruit flavor, benzoate de sodium, potassium sorbate, citric acid.

Direction for children aged 7 months to 13 years
5 ml, 1 to 3 times per day, or as recommended by your therapist.
For teenagers aged 14 and over, we recommend using Miviton Regular
Can be mixed with fruit juice (our favorite just happens to be pear nectar), or with pureed fruit or even added to a breakfast smoothie.
Do not use this product in cases of allergy to fish or seafood.
Natural Ingredient Properties
Wild herring roe (sustainably harvested, North Atlantic) is to the ocean what pollen is to the plant kingdom. A true natural concentrate of essential amino acids, B-group vitamins and phosphorus, all indispensable factors in the support of healthy nerve cell function. With very high nutritional value and bioavailability, enhanced through an enzymatic process, it is also incredibly effective at rebuilding and regenerating the body’s cells.
Containing high concentrations of proteins (74% to 95%), and rich in peptides, free amino acids (85%), minerals and vitamins, wild herring roe is of great interest for therapeutic use.
Zinc is known to help regulate mood and improve learning and has had particularly positive effect on children’s cognitive function. Studies have demonstrated that children with ADHD have lower than normal levels of zinc. Furthermore, an inverse relationship has been established between zinc levels and severity of ADHD symptoms. According to several American-led clinical studies, zinc may contribute to improving cognitive function and help adolescents perform better at school.
When taken preventively, zinc can help reduce cold symptoms.
All the information on our products and their components is for general information only and was made with the best of our knowledge. It does not claim in any way of suggesting a diagnosis or a treatment. Holizen reminds you that it is always preferable to consult your health professional or a natural health therapist who will consider all the information relating to your state of health.

Type: Liquids