Amla Organic




Key Features

  • Promotes healthy digestion
  • Supports healthy liver & kidney function
  • Increases vitality
  • All natural, non-GMO, Gluten free

Don’t question your digestion with Amla. Also known as Indian gooseberry, this much-loved staple of traditional Ayurvedic medicine, has long been used as a natural remedy for promotion of healthy digestion, liver and kidney function and increased vitality.


Botanical name - Phyllanthus Emblica
Parts used - Fruit pulp and fruit rind


Recommended Dosage
Add 1 teaspoon to fresh water twice a day on an empty stomach.

For external use
Amla paste made with water can be used as a conditioner in a face or hair mask.

Natural Ingredient Properties

In Hinduism, the Amla tree is considered sacred to Goddess Lakshmi, and its fruit has become a staple of traditional Ayurvedic medicine where it is considered a cooling pitta herb. Amla is a rich source of Vitamin C, it increases vitality, aids digestive health and supports eye, liver and kidney function.

Used in Ayurveda as a tonic, Universal Rasayana for all ages, Tridoshic with pitta reducing properties.

Qualities - Sour, sweet, pungent, astringent and cooling
Systems - Reproductive, digestive, urinary, respiratory
100% certified organic and free from any additives, preservatives, binders, or fillers. They are non-GMO, fair trade and gluten free.

All the information on our products and their components is for general information only and was made with the best of our knowledge. It does not claim in any way of suggesting a diagnosis or a treatment.

Type: Powder

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