The warm weather has arrived and for several women, summer rimes with swollen ankles and heavy legs.
Holizen presents Venovar capsules: a decongestant and diuretic plant extract formulation for the circulation system that improves inflammatory and painful states by activating the blood flow.
Since the development of venous disorders seems to increase with age, limit its appearance by taking Venovar daily.
Plants Friendly to Bloodstream
> Common yarrow
Anti-inflammatory and coagulant agent that soothes pain. It tones lax or damaged veins.
> Butcher's broom
Soothes heavy legs with oedema (swell), stimulates blood circulation and fights the formation of varicose veins and haemorrhoids.
> Horse-chestnut
Anti-inflammatory, prevents the slacking of veins and reduces capillary permeability and increases resistance.
> Witch hazel
Improves lymph flow, eases resorption of oedema and favours circulation by improving the elasticity of blood vessels.
> Red vine
Through its components, strengthens and protects the veins and fights vein insufficiency and its consequences (heavy legs and varicose veins.)
Venovar protects the vein walls to revive your legs!
All the information on our products in this document and their components is for general information only and was made with the best of our knowldege. It does not claim in any way of suggesting a diagnosis or a treatment.