Massage is a simple, quick, and effective way to take care of oneself. It transports the senses and helps to rebalance our body and its functions.
Abhyanga massage is an integral part of Ayurvedic medicine. "Abhyanga" literally means a full-body oil massage. It utilizes the properties of oils and acts on the vital energy (prāṇa) of the whole body. It relaxes and revitalizes the body through gentle and regular movements, using either sesame oil or warm plant-infused oil. Practicing self-massage strengthens the skin's resistance to external aggressions and nourishes it, making it more flexible.
As part of a daily Ayurvedic routine, self-massage is practiced every morning before taking a warm shower. The skin absorbs the healing qualities of the oil used and releases toxins. Applying oil nourishes and protects the skin and removes "ama" (toxic residue) that accumulates in our tissues due to stress. Under the shower, the warm water opens the skin pores, allowing the oil to penetrate deeply into the tissues. What better way to start the day than with a more flexible body, awakened muscles, and warmed joints?
Regular self-massage strengthens tendons, improves blood and lymphatic circulation, and calms the nervous system. It is also believed to have a positive effect on the respiratory and immune systems and may even prevent the onset of diseases when practiced regularly.
If you are feeling rushed, stressed, finding it hard to unwind and refocus, self-massage is highly recommended as it acts on both the physical and psychological aspects, promoting greater tonicity and better resilience to everyday anxieties.
Unlike massage oils used in the West, Ayurvedic oils are not aromatherapy oils but therapeutic oils without added fragrance. The traditional method of making these oils is highly elaborate and complex, requiring an Ayurvedic master pharmacist to concoct long infusions of medicinal plants and natural substances in sesame oil, heated at low temperatures. As a result, each oil has its own fragrance and original texture.
The choice of oil is made based on the constitution (dosha), the desired well-being, or the season:
To use these oils, no analysis of Ayurvedic doshas is required. Padmashri oils are designed to treat current disorders and symptoms, regardless of a person's innate dosha, and are safe for all ages and physical types.
Wellness Ritual: Establish a daily relaxation routine for a comforting ritual that balances the body and mind. First, prepare a towel or bath mat to place under your feet. Also, ensure that the room is draft-free and at a comfortable temperature. Run the oil bottle under warm water to gently warm the oil.
Step-by-Step Self-Massage:
There is really no wrong way to do it; follow your intuition. Cover as much of the body with oil as possible and rub so that the friction generates heat between your palms and the skin.
Practice self-massage with the oil of your choice two to three times a week or daily if you tend to experience anxiety and stress. It is an excellent way to restore balance, health, and well-being, and this Ayurvedic routine takes no more than 15 minutes!
All the information on Sewanti products and their components is for general information only and was made with the best of our knowldege. It does not claim in any way of suggesting a diagnosis or a treatment.